Life sucks, you think as you enter your new quarters. Just think: It was what, three weeks ago that this all started? you ponder. No, no...that's not right at all. It's been fifty stink'in years. It's still increadable, even now as you look back on it. This whole thing is incredable. Here you were, the Marathon's top security officer, returning from Tao Cetti after dealing with some snot nosed little BOBS who were rioting. After dealing with that, you jumped in the shuttle, Mirita, and was looking forward to some R&R onboard the Marathon.
That didn't last.
The Pfhor attacked, Durandel went rampant, and the whole world went insane. Litterly. You barely made it to the Marathon, and was contacted by Leela, one of the other AIs on the ship. Together, the two of you defeated the Pfhor, freed the S'pht from their tyrannical rule, and everyone was happy.
That didn't last either.
One week later, some 'scientists' found a hidden Pfhor capsule near Tao Cetti, and decided to open it. You hate to think that those morons were considered the finest Tao Cetti had intelectually.
Then everything hit the fan.
An entire battalion of Pfhor warriors stomed out of the capsile, slaughtering the humans for their follishness, and overrunning most of the coloney in houres. Of course, Leela picked you to spearheard the retaking of the Coloney. With help from other Marines, the coloney was saved.
Sort of.
A strange ship, thought to be of Pfhor origin, moved toward the coloney and launched an all out Rad-bomb assault. You were on the outskirts of Tao Cetti, and so survived, but you caught a nasty Rad dose, and Leela put you into stasis to save your life.
Blackness is all you remembered for a long time.
Then, light. You awakened in a strange room with men wearing contagion suits surrounding you. As you later found out, you were onboard the battleship Marauder. You had been found floating in a debries feild.
But how did you get there? And since when were any other ships able to get that far from Earth? So many questions...
Now the Marauder has detected a UFO. You saw it on aviewscreen; definatly of Pfhor origin. You reqested to be alowed to join the boarding party that was to scout it out. Captain Briggs agreed, and off you go...
Oddly, your whole life continues to flash before your eyes as you race towards the launch bay.